We Live a Sweet Life Filled with Wild Adventures.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Honeys Do: One More Time

In one of my past recap posts I confessed that we didn't get any family pictures on the day of the wedding...the snow storm, even though welcomed, did throw a few wrenches into our day. Our photographer offered to get back together with us sometime the following week to get family pictures taken care of.

We were okay with this because we had decided to keep our family pictures to immediate family only: my parent's, Mr. Honey's dad, my brother and my grandpa. Had we wanted pictures with my whole family (aunts, uncles, first, second & third cousins), this would not have been a plausible solution. Wrangling five people a week later was far easier than twenty-five people.

The next Saturday, also known as our one week anniversary, we went to dinner at my parents house with the intention of getting family pictures on their 12 acres of land. Like the Saturday before, we all put our same clothes on. Unlike the Saturday before we had beautiful weather.

Putting on your wedding dress after the wedding isn't nearly as exciting...maybe it was because I was kind of glad the big day was over? I also forgot the back panel to my dress so I was baring some skin for the family pictures, oops! I did my own hair and tried to replicate my makeup from the big day. Pour Mr. Honey was battling a minor stomach flu but put on a happy face for his new wife and the family. All those obstacles aside, we got our family pictures! Better late then never :)

FIL Honey, Dad Honey, Honey Bro, Mama Honey, Papa and The Honeys

With my parents and brother

With my grandpa!

In front of the barn with our newly combined family...Zak had told us a good joke!

After we got the family shots, Zak took the two of us into the woods to take advantage of the forest and the last bit of light we had left that day. The following two pictures are hands down, our favorite of the entire wedding, which is funny because they weren't even taken on our wedding day!

The one in color above was the one we chose for our thank you cards, and it really threw people for a loop because they remember our day in a snow storm, not beautiful sunshine...so it's fun to have pictures in two different types of weather!

After the sun set that day, I took off my wedding dress for what really would be the last time. This marked the official end to the Honey Wedding.

*All Photos by the talented duo of Zak Fleming Photography

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